Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Edward Wallin

Edward Wallin was Benjamin's father and his predecessor in the pastorate at Maze Pond..He was converted early in life. His parents were too poorto to keep him at school, and he was hurried into business. However, he found time to acquire a considerable knowledge of Greek, Hebrew, and Oriental dialects. He had not spoken of entering the ministry but two churches at the same time invited him to the pastorate. He accepted the call of the poorer and less promising one and earnestly devoted himself to the work of the ministry, bearing a large part of the burden of his own support by teaching school. His church was largely prospered under his ministry, and his influence outside his own immediate field of labour, was extensive and valuable. John Gill, in preaching his funeral sermon, spoke of him as follows
He had a large experience of the grace of God, and a considerable share of light and knowledge in the great truths of the gospel. He had a heavenly skill to lay open the wretched and miserable state and condition of sinners by nature, and to set forth the glory of Christ in his person, blood, righteousness, and sacrifice. His language was plain and easy, though strong and masculine; far above contempt, and yet free from the swelling words of vain rhetoricians. His reasoning was clear and nervous, his mien and deportment was grave, his address wus with majesty, which at once had a tendency to command awe, engage attention, and strike the affection. (see Crosby)