Thursday, 20 April 2017

Items in the Angus Library, Oxford

There are two relevant items
1. Maze Pond Church Book 1
Large beige volume (many leaves empty) including: church covenant and signatures, 1694; "A brief Narrative of the troubles those Brethren and Sisters met with who came off from the Congregation meeting on Horsleydowne Mr Benjamin Keach being their Elder [i.e. Horsleydown’s], upon the Account of their dissatisfaction with common sett forme Singing; in two Parts"; minutes, 1694-1708, ending with further collection of members’ signatures; accounts of the church visits [i.e. names of visitors], 1748, 1750, 1752, 1754; (at end) some membership lists to c.1744, including those attending ordination of Benjamin Wallin, 1741.
2. Benjamin Wallin Journal
Volume in (imperfect) green binding similar to that of some Maze Pond church books, containing notes and letter drafts by Benjamin Wallin; with Wallin’s daily diary in reverse order to rest.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Wallin's Hymns

A book of Wallin's hymns Evangelical Hymns and Songs, etc By Benjamin Wallin can be accessed here.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Baptist Board

Wallin was regularly present for meetings of the Baptist Board, usually as chairman, 1754-1775. See minutes here. There are 15 references to Wallin, mostly noting his presence at the meetings. Also note

May 30th. 1758. Mr Wallin reported that the church under his care had called Mr James Newton [1733-1790] into the ministry, and accordingly propos'd him to he a member of this Board, wch was unanimously agreed to. [Newton became an assistant to John Tommas in the Pithay, Bristol that year].

March 3. 1761. Certain things having been reported by Mr Butler, to the prejudice of Mr Stevens's moral character, it was agreed that Mr Wallin and Mr Anderson be desir'd to converse with the said Mr  Butler on those things, and report their conversation at our next meeting.
March 10. 1761. Mr Wallin and Mr Anderson reported the Conversation they had had with Mr Butler. Upon. which it was agreed, that Mr Wallin and Mr [Samuel?] Stennett [1725-1785] be desir'd to. acquaint Mr Stevens, that it is the desire of this Board that he attend here Tuesday next, at four in the afternoon, to answer to the charges laid agt him.
March 24. 1761 ... Having comllers"d' with Mr Stevens, and several other Gentlemen, concerning oertain criminal charges exhibite'd agt him; itappe:ar''d on the whole tj:lat he was a'ddicted to imp;ure idisoourse an(l! filthy actions with 'divers persons. It was therefore unanimouslY; agme'd, that he be no longer consider'd' a member of this society,.78 

From March 26 1771 he was chair, replacing John Gill, who died in October 1771.